The Clinic

The clinic

The ASU Speech and Hearing Clinic is an on-campus clinic that exists to provide opportunities for students to develop their clinical knowledge and skills. The clinic offers advanced and state-of-the-art diagnostic and therapeutic speech, language and hearing services to the general public and the university community.

Each patient is seen by one of our clinical faculty as well as a graduate student clinician. Graduate students are closely supervised by our state-licensed and nationally certified audiologists and speech-language pathologists to ensure the highest quality of service to our clients.

Because the clinic serves the training needs of students, services provided to patients may be observed by other students in training. It is our mission to train competent professionals in speech-language pathology and audiology with an appropriate scientific background, clinical skill and an appreciation for the need for evidence-based practice.

The ASU Speech and Hearing Clinic has a national reputation of excellence in the quality of clinical services provided to children and adults with communication disorders and in the quality of clinical education offered to graduate students in speech pathology and audiology. More than 2,000 clients receive services through our clinics and every year, we continue to grow.

The ASU Speech and Hearing Clinic is a part of ASU's College of Health Solutions.


Services are provided to the general public, ASU employees and students at a competitively priced fee. Insurance is accepted with appropriate prior authorization.


The ASU Speech and Hearing Clinic is located on ASU's Tempe campus. To schedule an appointment, please contact the ASU Speech and Hearing Clinic. Reserved parking is available near the facility.


Requests for services are accepted from any concerned individuals — including parents, clients, physicians, nurses, insurance companies, teachers, social workers, psychologists and any other sources.

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Privacy policies and procedures

The clinic and clinic personnel comply with the privacy regulations required by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. Every effort is made to ensure the confidentiality of information shared in the process of managing your case. Access to clinic charts is limited to clinical faculty and only those students directly involved in your immediate care. 

All patients complete a privacy notice annually providing explicit instructions regarding the use and disclosure of their protected health information including with whom relevant information can be shared such as the patient's physician, school or other professionals. Please refer to our notice of privacy practices for more information about your rights to privacy.

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