Hearing and Balance services

Hearing and balance overview

The goal of the ASU Speech and Hearing Clinic is to improve communication through education, diagnostic evaluation and individualized rehabilitative intervention. The clinic is open to the public and offers expert, professional and comprehensive research-based services to patients of all ages from infants to senior citizens. 

  • Self-referrals and referrals from physicians and other professionals accepted.
  • Open year-round including summer and during semester breaks.
  • Hearing services and programs are under the direction of co-clinic directors Erica Williams, PhD, CCC-A, and Aparna Rao, PhD, CCC-A.

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Services for everyone

Pediatric Hearing and Balance

Pediatric hearing and balance

Our licensed audiologists are skilled in the areas of pediatric assessment and management including infant and toddler assessments. Offsite screening services are also arranged with area schools, day care centers, extended care facilities and community health fairs on a routine basis through our Community Outreach Program.

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Adult Hearing and Balance

Adult hearing and balance

We offer a wide range of diagnostic audiological services to assess hearing ability and rehabilitative services to provide hearing aids, assistive devices and aural rehabilitation are available using the most innovative techniques, materials and state-of-the-art equipment.

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