Otoscopy with Clinician

Adult hearing and balance

Hearing loss is the third most common chronic condition in adults, after arthritis and heart disease. In America, approximately 40 million people suffer from hearing loss to some degree. There are several symptoms of hearing loss that will adversely affect a person’s daily life, such as tinnitus (ringing in the ears), feeling like everyone is mumbling and not hearing well against background noise.

Hearing loss has been linked to a higher risk of falling, psychological and social difficulties and increased risk to personal safety. Hearing testing can also reveal serious conditions needing further medical attention, like acoustic neuroma, otosclerosis, cholesteatoma, Meniere’s disease and more.

What we offer

  • Auditory brainstem response testing.
  • Comprehensive audiological evaluation with tones and speech.
  • Demonstrations and consultations.
  • Fitting, using state-of-the-art real-ear probe microphone measurements.
  • Hearing aids from all major manufacturers with the latest digital technology including all styles such as Bluetooth and rechargeable devices.
  • Hearing assistive technologies and assistive listening devices.
  • Immittance testing including tympanometry and acoustic reflex testing.
  • Otoacoustic emissions.
  • Speech-in-noise testing.
  • Troubleshooting and repairs.

The ASU Speech and Hearing Clinic is a fee-for-service clinic. Services are provided by graduate student clinicians enrolled in clinical practicum and sessions are planned and conducted under the supervision of a licensed and certified speech-language pathologist. We accept most major health insurances. A cash discount is available upon request and financial aid scholarships are available for qualified individuals. Our clinic staff will work with you prior to your appointment to determine if your insurance benefit covers speech and language services.

Diagnostic and rehabilitation services

Why have a diagnostic hearing evaluation?

  • Hearing loss is the third most common chronic health condition in adults, after arthritis and heart disease.
  • Approximately 40 million people in America have hearing loss.
  • Hearing loss has been identified as one of the top modifiable risk factors for cognitive decline.
  • Untreated hearing loss has been linked with higher risk of falling, psychological and social difficulties, and increased risk to personal safety.
  • Hearing testing can reveal serious conditions needing further medical attention, such as acoustic neuroma, otosclerosis, cholesteatoma, Meniere’s disease and more.  
  • Following diagnostic hearing evaluation, appropriate referral for medical and/or audiological management can be provided.

What we offer


  • Comprehensive audiological evaluation, including
    • Pure tone air and bone conduction audiometry.
    • Speech audiometry.
    • Speech-in-noise testing.
    • Extended high frequency audiometry.
    • Loudness scaling.
  • Testing to assist in differential diagnosis and determining site of lesion, including
    • Otoacoustic emissions.
    • Auditory brainstem response (ABR) testing.
    • Immittance testing including tympanometry and acoustic reflex testing.
  • Tinnitus evaluations, including
    • Pitch and loudness matching.
    • Minimum masking level.
    • Residual inhibition testing.
    • Education and counseling on causes of tinnitus and management of tinnitus.

Once properly diagnosed, hearing loss that is not medically treatable can be managed by an audiologist using education and counseling, aural rehabilitation, and hearing assistive technologies.

What we offer

  • Communication needs assessments.
    • Determination of listening needs and listening lifestyle, and discussion of options available for treatment and management of hearing loss and tinnitus, including
      • Prescription hearing aids.
      • Over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids.
      • Assistive listening devices.
      • Aural rehabilitation.
    • In-clinic hearing aid demonstrations using the most current hearing aid technologies.
  • Prescription hearing aids from all major manufacturers.
    • State-of-the-art digital technology with wireless Bluetooth connectivity.
    • Multiple technology levels available to meet individual listening needs and budgets.
    • All styles available including custom styles and rechargeable options.
  • Hearing assistive technologies and assistive listening devices.
    • Remote microphone systems.
    • TV streamers.
    • Smartphone apps.
  • Hearing aid fitting and follow-up services.
    • Fitting and programming of hearing aids.
    • Verification of hearing aid prescription using real-ear probe microphone measurements.
    • Validation of hearing aid fitting outcomes using self-assessment questionnaires and sound-field testing.
    • Hearing aid troubleshooting, maintenance and repair.
  • Aural rehabilitation.
    • Our Living Well with Hearing Loss program can help you learn more about hearing loss and how to effectively treat and manage hearing loss in a supportive group setting led by our audiology faculty and students. Contact the clinic to learn more.

Dizziness is one of the most common complaints people bring to their primary care physician. It is a problem that can affect individuals of any age, but it is more of an issue for older adults. We offer a comprehensive battery of tests that are designed to evaluate a patient's balance system.

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The Hearing Healthcare Assistance Project (HHAP) provides free hearing testing, hearing aids, hearing aid fitting, batteries, follow-up care, and communication training for adult Arizona residents with limited income who qualify. HHAP is a shared effort among Arizona State University, University of Arizona, Northern Arizona University, and the Arizona Commission for the Deaf and the Hard of Hearing.

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Hearing health is essential for the creation and enjoyment of music. However, exposure to loud music regularly and for extended periods of time puts musicians, music industry workers and music enthusiasts at risk for developing hearing loss and other auditory disorders. Developing and following a healthy hearing plan will help preserve hearing and allow for a life-long journey creating, teaching and enjoying music.

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An auditory processing disorder (APD) is the inability or a decreased ability to attend, discriminate, recognize or comprehend auditory information. The clinic offers a diagnostic evaluation, environmental modifications, management strategies, or treatment with amplification and hearing assistive technology (HAT) system devices, as appropriate.

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