Vestibular assessment

The vestibular system is a sensory system that comprises a portion of the inner ear. It helps to detect the position and motion of our head in space. Our brain integrates this information, along with our visual system and somatosensory system, to help maintain our balance.

What we offer

Pediatric and adult testing is available at our Coor Hall location.


VNG tests the health of the inner ear and the central vestibular system. The patient wears a pair of video goggles to measure their eye movements and watches lights moving across a screen. While sitting or laying down with their head turned in different directions, the patient will have warm or cool water placed in their ear for short periods of time.

Vestibular evoked myogenic potentials

cVEMP and oVEMP test the integrity of vestibular pathways and certain anatomical structures within the vestibular system. The patient will have electrodes placed on their face or neck with stickers. While listening to sounds through headphones, the patient will lay quietly while lifting their head or moving their eyes upwards.

Video head impulse test

vHIT tests the health of the semicircular canals (a part of the vestibular system in the inner ear). The patient wears a pair of tight-fitting, lightweight goggles and looks straight ahead while the examiner rapidly moves their head in certain planes of motion.

Computerized dynamic posturography

CDP tests how an individual functionally uses the sensory inputs that their brain is receiving. The patient stands on a dynamically moving platform with a dynamically moving surround while wearing a harness for safety. The surround and platform will move, challenging the patient’s balance and allowing us to differentiate how they utilize the three sensory inputs to balance.

You will receive test instructions including what to wear, medication and food guidelines and transportation recommendations when making your appointment.